Foster Hope Esports

Make A Real Change In Someone’s Life

The Esports industry has been and will continue to grow faster than expected. Similar to traditional sports, Esports can provide benefits that help children in and out of school. Esports gives children an opportunity to learn teamwork, develop unique skills, and find a community. A teen’s gaming abilities could not only help pay for their college education, it could launch their professional career.

One-in-four lower-income teens don’t have access to a home computer.

There are around 200 esports programs around the United States offering  tens of millions of dollars in esports scholarship money. This will continue to grow as more colleges begin rolling out their own esports programs in the near future.

63 million sports viewers watched esports in 2018 which is on par with the NBA at 63 million, and only eclipsed by Major League Baseball (83 million) and the National Football League (139 million).

At Foster Hope Sports We Provide


We provide funds to enable youth to pursue sports activities by covering the costs of equipment, league funds, lessons, and more.


We provide resources to help youth succeed academically and athletically by offering support during little league to collegiate athletics.


We provide education to communities on the benefits of sports, barriers related to youth sports, and local opportunities for youth interested in playing.


We provide opportunities for youth to participate in sports and esports in their local communities through our partnerships.

Impact of Esports

Foster Hope Sports provides resources to help children reach their full potential by providing opportunities through esports. We connect students with esports leagues, provide equipment, and assist in recruiting to lead the next generation of gamers to reach their fullest potential in life.

On top of thriving competitions, the opportunity to capitalize on a favorite hobby, and joining amazing gaming communities, children can learn and grow through esports.

Increase Academic Performance

Students involved in extracurricular activities such as clubs or traditional sports perform better in the classroom. Student involvement in activities is associated with improved grades, homework completition, increase task management skills, better performance on tests, and increased likelihood of attending college.  Students typically need to maintain a certain GPA in order to remain involved in their activities, and that involvement teaches them how to prioritize responsibilities and develop time management skills.

Esports keeps students involved in a community and motivates them to work towards a goal. By helping youth have an opportunity to participate in esports, it can benefit them in all areas of their lives. As the esports industy continues to grow universities are developing their esports teams. Many students who participate in esports develop an interest in pursuing degrees in fields such as data science, computer science, data analytics, engineering, business statistics, economics, and much more. 

Enrich School Community

Children need peer connections in order to thrive. It can be difficult for children and young adults to feel like they fit in with a community through school or extracurricular activities. Esports can be an incredible opportunity for a child to develop a community.

It is very important for kids to connect with peers who share their passions and interests. Esports school clubs or esports organizations are an excellent means of cultivating gaming skills in a safe and supportive environment.

In addition to school clubs and online organizations, there are a number of esports tournaments and competititions which provide the opportunity to work with others for a common goal.

Improve Social & Behavioral Skills

Esports demand different competencies that can develop different social and behavioral skills. Youth can learn collaboration skills and expand upon strategic thinking and problem-solving traits. Almost all esports games demand a certain amount of twitch reactions and reflexes, which drives awareness and decision-making development.

The competitive nature of esports teaches youth the importance of work ethic, dedication, and discipline. Esports athletes are required to work with others to develop their skill and be successful on a team. These social and behavioral skills will help youth be well equipt to thrive in any work enviornment and be forward thinking leaders in many industries. 

Improve Brain Function

Video games can be like a mental workout for the brain. Playing esports has potential to benefit specific areas of the brain and sharpan problem-solving skills. Esports can promote a higher cognitive function and better memory recall since players are required to work through complex issues, think about multiple things at once, and work at a quick pace. 

Esports games require spatial navigation, motor skills, memory formation, strategic planning, and fine motor skills of the hand, which improves the functions of the right hippocampus of the brain. 

Fine motor skills and muscle memory is essential when playing esports games. Aside from developing good hand-eye coordination when playing esports games compared to non-gamers, you also improve your cerebellum long-term.

Esports can have long term benefits such as  increases brain size and connectivity in the brain regions responsible for spatial orientation, fine motor skills, memory formation and strategic planning.